Sunday, July 17, 2011

I need hair help!!!!!!!?

ok so i have a little bit past shoulder leng hair when it and it looks cute every once in a while and i hate it its an ugly blonde color and its frizzy its not curly or straight its both at the same time and its un tamable i feel ugly because everyone i know has hair where no matter what they do with it its perfect mine is dry and my bangs i used to have have grown out and its just ugly i know when people say i have gorgeous hair AKA: my mom they are lying because their hair is perfectly normal and mine is a misfit so to make me feel better they say it pretty its only gorgous when i just get out of the shower and my hair dries because its curls are beautiful and perfect but when i wake up in the morning (i take showers at night because i cant take them in the morning because i hate morning and i cant force my self to take a shower) my hair is hideous but if i brush it its lookY HAIR BETTER please and thank you

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