Monday, July 11, 2011

My sisters so much prettier than me? ]:?

Im 13 and shes 19, shes a tall and tan blonde and im just a pale brunette. I really loved her before she was so self centered. But she always insults me and points out my flaws. When she dies her hair all the time and wears tons of makeup and spends all her money on expensive brand name clothing and always goes to tanning salons and ive never died my hair and I dnot wear makeup, ( she looks hideous without makeup) though I Would never say this to her im incredibly jealous and mad at this point. I see your flaws but dont point them out you see mine and say it automatically. All my friends and guys at school are saying it to my face all the time, today a guy actually said " why are you so f-ing ugly and your sisters so f-ing hot!" I never say anything but it hurts. what do I do. how do I make myself prettier?

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